Monday, June 21, 2010

Body After Baby - The Inaugural Post

Supporting his mama with adorableness.

So lo and behold - I write about my desire to get back into shape, and look what I find on Sarah's blog! The gods, they are smiling.

So this is my inaugural post, in which I tell you that my goal is to drop 25 pounds (Yep, I've tacked on a few extra for good measure) by October 1.

And hey! I went back to the gym this past weekend, only to find out I'd mysteriously been kicked out of my Healthy Lifestyles program (inactivity?), and that yep, I'm out of shape. Whilst on the elliptical on Saturday, I had imaginary conversations with Jillian Michaels in my head to keep me motivated.

HomeValley: I can't do it!

Jillian: YES YOU CAN! Do you wanna be fat forever? Do you WANT to lose this baby weight or NOT?!?

HV: Yes... But I can't go on, Jillian! It's too hard!


HV: Yes!


HV: YEEESSSS! *breaks down into heaving sobs*

JM: *softly* Why is this so hard? Why is it so difficult for you to give up the chocolate chip cookies?

Obviously, I need to develop a better playlist.

So here goes... On Sunday, I banished chocolate and processed sugar from my diet. So far, so good, including when J remembered his secret pregnancy stash of Snickers bars for moi, and devoured that satisfying conglomeration of chocolate, nuts, and caramel in front of me.

I suppose this is how we'll track this:

Starting weight: 158.2

Current Weight: Talk to you in a week!

Total L-Bs lost: 24 since H was born. So that's cool. Unfortunately, we're starting here at 0.

Number of gym visits this week: 2, thus far

Other physical activity: 1 walk with Hendrik, thus far

Most triumphant moment this week: Snickers avoidance, y'all.

Most soul-crushing moment this week: SNICKERS. YUM.

What's motivating me this week: My son. Putting healthful things into my body, drinking more water, and avoiding sugar mean Hendrik reaps the breast milk benefits. Also? A shopping trip to Kohl's. The jeans I purchased are two sizes bigger than normal, and holy hell FLORESCENT LIGHTS. Jiggly bits.

Things that would make Jillian Michaels weep this week: All of the chocolate and sugar I ate on Saturday in preparation for Sunday's start date. And I enjoyed every calorie-laden morsel.

This week's mini-goal: No chocolate, no candy. Really, really challenging for me.

This week's reward: A trip to the nail salon.

Let's DO THIS!


Shannon said...

ALL I freaking want is to work out. To get off my couch without the huffing and puffing and husband's help. I cannot wait for accountability!

Not sure I ever thought I'd mutter the words above either.

Anyway, JM is a hardcore beotch and if anyone can help you, I think it's her. Although I think my post-preg conversation will be with Bob Harper. I much prefer his good cop to JM's bad cop.

Good luck!!! If I've learned anything, it's that the blog can hold you accountable.

Homevalley said...

I too prefer Bob, but if there is one thing I learned during labor, it's that I respond better to tough love. JM it is!

I know just how you feel... And it will be over before you know it. I thought I would be pregnant forever. In the meantime, hoping for an 80 degree day for you some time soon. Jesus, it's hot.

Unknown said...

Hey, Hey, thanks for stoppin' by my blog! I am so thrilled to see another lady training for a half marathon. I must confess, I'm stuck @ 4 miles. Any advice??

Keep up the good work!

Toni :)

Mama_Bear_Sarah said...

good lawd, i wish i could follow in your footsteps. sugar and i ...we're a mean, nasty team.

but i must admit, i was relieved at your weight. i'm not alone. although, my baby is 8+ months old now so my excuses are pretty thin :P

Koos said...

Great job! I love your motivation. I don't think mine ever kicked in before Danny or Max was 2 months or so. I was stilling feeling skinny just from not being prego anymore.
I love that pic of H at the top. I might steal him from you.

Homevalley said...

Hi Toni! I have a great training schedule that I use... I will find again and send to you. I won't start really training until August, based on this schedule. I made it up to 5 miles last year (before pregnancy) and I have no idea how. When I remember, I'll let you know. Good luck, mama!

MB Sarah - I read it takes 2 weeks to break a sugar addiction... Here's hoping. I am seriously addicted to Sweettarts and chocolate. Last night I dreamed of Mounds bars.

Koos - I love you. J says I should take it easy, but I just want to get into a routine now. The scale ain't budgin'.

Allie said...

Put your mind to it, go for it, get down and break a sweat, rock and roll, you aint seen nothin' yet!