Monday, June 11, 2007

Ex is Best

On Saturday afternoon I headed to P's baby shower with Grace and friends. It was a pleasant afternoon spent sipping white wine spritzers and eating delicious chicken parm, oohing and aahing over baby gear (until Grace snapped at me to stop doing that already!). I also caught up with an old acquaintance whom I have not seen in years, and who also happens to be an ex-girlfriend of J's from long ago.

When I arrived home, J informed me he was taking me out for a surprise on Main Street. And because he is so awesome, he took me here. We decided we'd grab a quick drink, and wasn't my seventh-grade boyfriend bartending at the new Manayunk version of this bar?

We chatted with Seventh-Grade Beau over Miller Lites as scores of people began filtering in... including another one of J's exes. Of course I over-excitedly extended my hand to meet her, when she informed me we had definitely met before.


We all chatted semi-amiably at the bar, but mostly she just seemed uncomfortable. After she left, I mentioned this to J.

"Yeah, I would expect that... That's two exes today - huh!" J said, smiling, as I suddenly noticed my sophomore dance date ordering a drink at the bar.

I ran up to say hello, just as my senior prom date came into view. Hugs all around!

On cue, my junior prom date appeared behind me.

Obviously, J.D. McGillicuddy's in Manayunk is where exes and high school prom dates go to die. You've been warned.


Anonymous said...

McGuil. needs to get rid of those picutres on their website - pronto! - A

Homevalley said...

A - did they snap a picture of you getting silly??

Those people love beer.

Anonymous said...

I need names! Who are these ex's of TT?

Homevalley said...

I will have to update you later! TT didn't tell you?

Anonymous said...

no, he seems busy lately.