Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dead in the Water
Was remarkably Zen-like about this development. I reasoned that a mechanical failure on land and track - even if it was the dreaded Trenton station - was far better than say, mechanical failure on air, in sky (and fuck you, US Air, again, irrationally).
So, I packed up my belongings and made travel magic, canceling my trains to Hartford and opting instead to rent a car in New Haven, which would get me to my meeting exactly on time, if the 7:20 AM from Trenton was exactly on time (yeah: it wasn't).
I maintained my sunny outlook through-out the morning; I was goddamn chipper. Positive energy obviously exuded from me, as strangers commenced chatting me up incessantly. First, the Indian man who works at the popcorn stand:
"Ooooooooooooh! You smell incredible! Give me your boyfriend number! I call him!"
Indian Popcorn Man spots ring on left finger. "Ah, he love you!"
Next, the tiny old woman knitting beside me on the platform bench.
"I was just looking at your shoes," she began cheerfully. "When I was much younger, I had an uncle who sent me those pointy shoes from Rome. No one had them here; but I couldn't wear them because all of my lady friends thought they were crazy!" Looks into distance, whimsically.
(This inspires me to tell the Tale of How HV and Fashion-Forward Friends Brought Capris to the States After Senior Trip to Rome. I tell that one a lot. But we totally rocked them first! Recognize.)
Where was I?
Ah, yes: Damien. I made a new friend today! He restructures companies for a living, and I deduced he was "The Bobs". (see: Office Space) He actually admitted he was Peter, and loathed his job but alas, had a young family to support and felt stuck.
I told him the secret (as am serene, Zen-Master) ; and assured him that as soon as he turned away from that negative self-talk, things would turn around for him. Hey - buck up, camper! (Who the hell do I think I am? But was in extraordinary, life-is-goddamn-beautiful mood.)
Damien very much appreciated my advice, and then told me he had a "prophecy" for me: I will marry J, move to the South, and have a brood of little boys with Southern drawls. (Me: Please - will they have blonde hair?!? Him: Yes. Yes they will.)
So, my day was weird and fruitful. On Acela bound for home. Must retire to the cafe bar now, where wine-drinking will commence.
The Irony
Fuck. Me.
Is 5:58 AM. Have been up since 4:15 AM.
Am sitting in powerless Amtrak train in Trenton.
Need to connect in New Haven to get to Hartford.
Will miss connection.
Also: laptop battery? Dying.
Am tired. So, so tired.
I know it's illogical, but somehow, I blame US Air.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Mother's Helper
Is wonderful though. My mama is in her glory in that room, running around searching frantically for those tee-shirts, Melissa, where are those tee-shirts I made last year? I was sure I put them in this closet! I guess I will just have to make them again. Here, use these scissors to remove these rulers from the packaging, then put them in this basket. Oh, here are the tee-shirts! Now, assemble this box, see, I will put all of my posters in it...
She is high energy, my mama.
I reveled putting labels in the books, and sorting them into easy reads (Dr. Suess) and more challenging (Ramona Quimby!!!) novels. I can't wait to escape to this place again sometime soon to read these kids a story. The last time I visited, the children were so damn adorable. My mom proudly introduced me to them as her eldest child, then asked, "What are some of the differences you see in us?"
"She is tall!" They shouted. "You are short!"
"She has straight hair!" One mentioned. "You have poofy hair!"
"Now," my mother began, "Melissa lives in New York. Do you have any questions for her?"
Little girl raises hand in back.
"You're pretty," she gushed.
Seriously, how can you not love these goddamn kids?
And I am sure all the faculty at the school loved my mother today as - while they dutifully worked to prepare their classrooms - she popped in and introduced me to each and every person she knew.
"Hi Mr. Jennings! This is my daughter!" And on, and on. And each person shook my hand warmly and said, "Nice to meet you; your mother brags about you all the time."
Mom. But what twenty-seven year old doesn't need to hear that once in awhile?
Did I tell you that my mother went to college at the same time I did, while working full time? Did I tell you she finished just a year and a half after I did? Did I tell you that the entire family went to her graduation and screamed and cheered for her? (Brother Mike also sporadically belted "SHE'S A LADY!" Which just killed us every time.) Did I tell you that she was offered the first coveted position she applied for at our local elementary school? Did I tell you she cried in the lobby of the bank when she got the call, because she had, at age 49, finally realized a lifelong dream?
Yes. Am very proud of her too.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Mean Reds

Monday, August 27, 2007
Overheard in Philadelphia, Part II
Then he beckoned across the street. "Now that's something you don't want to see here," he said, shaking his head.
On a bench on the opposite side of the road, an Indian man sat with a turban on his head; arms crossed. He was dark-skinned and could very well have been Arabic.
Oversized Jeans looked expectantly at me, waiting for my reply. Oh, the things I should have said, had my brain been functioning! Had I not been caught off guard, making a beeline for a waxing!
Instead, I just smiled wanly and shook my head disapprovingly.
"What?" He asked, a bit defensively. "I'm an American!"
He said it. I didn't.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
HomeValley's Pop Culture Picks!
And played.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Babies, Babies Everywhere
Did you know that everyone is pregnant? At least most of the people I know, anyway. Except myself, and Grace. This morning, we attempt to name our future offspring via email:
From: Grace
To: HomeValley
I will have Helen and Grace.
From: HomeValley
To: Grace
Did you know that my new favorite boy's name is Henry? How cute will our little regal children be running around?? Henry, Helen, and Grace! Now that is classy.
From: Grace
To: HomeValley
I like Henry. Can I call him Hank after a few glasses of wine?
From: HomeValley
To: Grace
NO WAY. Well, as long as no one else hears and picks up on it. It will be like my mother forever protecting me from "Missy". I owe her a lot for that.
From: Grace
To: HomeValley
well then you cant call my daughter Nan.
From: HomeValley
To: Grace
Yeah right! I am totally calling her that.
From: Grace
To: HomeValley
Hank and Nan. Sounds like the Boxcar Children...
From: HomeValley
To: Grace
Like the Little Rascals. All we need is for you to have a Spanky.
From: Grace
To: HomeValley
too many jokes in my head right now
From: HomeValley
To: Grace
Today's life lesson:
"If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is Crying." And if he asks why God is crying, I think another cute thing to tell him is, "Probably because of something you did." - Jack Handey
From: Grace
To: HomeValley
as I was raised on the motto that "Children should be seen and not heard." -Diz (father of Grace)
From: Grace
To HomeValley
We are going to be great mothers.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Popping In
Am also trying to figure out why, since J and I cleaned out our closets on Sunday afternoon in The Great Bedroom Redecoration of '07, our second floor smells of dirty laundry, and our closet reeks of cat piss. Seriously: why?
And speaking of TGBRO07, yes, we did spruce up our sanctuary just a bit, thank you for asking. We've really taken it to the next level. I wanted serene, and oh, we went there. The room once had a dim orange glow to it; it's now been transformed into a blue and white halcyon oasis. And it is glorious, right down to the fake orchid that now adorns our night stand. And it only cost us considerably more than we planned on spending. Still. Glorious.
It was also the perfect time to survey everything in our drawers and closets, and determine which items were Salvation Army-bound. (Didn't I just do this?) Ladies: a moment of silence for the two errant canvas Coach totes that were chucked into the big black trash bag unceremoniously. Yes, they were both nearly 4 years old, and neither had aged well. If only I could have done something, anything, to save them from this fate! But alas, a spot treatment stain remover did not work; and of course there was no way to patch the leather that had been scraped away through years of abuse. Still. It hurt. Take care of your Coach, will you?
In travel news, I wrote a long, eloquent post on paper (!!) last week upon my arrival at the Columbia airport in South Carolina. It was quite clever actually; I discussed how trying it is to travel most of the time, until you realize how many wonderfully beautiful and quirky people you can meet in an airport bar, like a chemist who recently discovered the reason why there is so much nitrogen in the soil, y'all! A scientific breakthrough that warranted me giving him my last quesadilla, because hey! It may seem banal, but I have discovered nothing lately. (Well, unless you count unearthing this wretched cat piss odor out of our perfectly-arranged wardrobe?) So, I wrote until my hand cramped and then it was 197 degrees in Columbia; and I decided it was much easier to drink pinot noir to combat the heat, and not post; and then I was so busy the rest of the week that I had no time to write; am lazy, procrastinating simpleton, etc.
In Big Party news, there may be a destination for the Event J and I will be hosting next July. More to come on that when the details have been sorted.
In I Didn't Realize HomeValley Was That Nerdy news, not only do I have a "Currently Reading" document in my files here (which lists all the books that I have read since 2004), but I also just discovered a list entitled: "Books I Must Read". Heh. Am lovable, and also well-read.
Finally, please, see the film Once. For your own good.
More to come, friends.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I Still Miss Someone (or City)