Monday, December 11, 2006

I can read between the lines.

Last week, at a routine check-up, my doctor told me that the birth control pill can strip your body of B vitamins. Thus, in order to alleviate mood swings associated with PMS, I should start taking a B-Complex.

J has taken to leaving these vitamins out for me on the counter, where he can be sure I won't miss them.

Fine, I took the damn B-Complex this morning. But I am not sure why, as I am always a perfectly-behaved, non-hormonal little angel.


Anonymous said...

We still on for tomorrow? Take your damn pills. -Pop Star

Homevalley said...

Yes - where shall we go to celebrate the end of an era of Pop Stars in Manhattan? Karaoke?

Anonymous said...

ha, not sure if i want to get drunk enough on a tuesday night that i'm doing karaoke...but if we start early enough, it's definitely possible....